Billy Pugh Company

The X904 transfer device can cater a capacity of 4-12 persons. Billy Pugh Company’s person transfer device is used to quickly and effectively transport personnel on and off of platforms. It is made of a sturdy aluminum skeleton to protect them from falling objects. The riders are encompassed with tightened stainless steel ropes that protects from any side impact that may occur. All models are equipped with quick release safety lanyards that gives the passengers stability without being confined. Shock absorbing “feet” protect passengers from hard landing. The X-904 provides a designated area for luggage. In the event of an emergency situation, the 4, 6, & 8 person X-904s allows for a stretcher to be loaded.
All models are equipped with quick release safety lanyards to provide safety and give the rider confidence while in transit.
- ABS Certification Report available
- Collapsible for storage & shipping
- Overhead protection
- Refurbishment program
- Shock absorbing bottom
- Non-slip floor Lightweight aluminum frame construction
- Double braid polydacron rope coated in urethane with stainless wire rope center
- Comes standard with 20ft. stabilizer & load line
- Training DVD and Manual
- Stretcher space provided on the X-904-4 person, 6 person and 8 person
- Designated storage space
NOTE – Each device’s personnel capacity is identified by the “”-#”” at the end. For eg: X904-4 can transfer 4 persons; the X904-6 can transfer 6 person; the X904-10 can transfer 10 persons etc”